Student Registration
Whether you have a student attending Bethel for their first year or your student is returning, please make sure they are fully registered through FinalForms!
You will need to make sure this information continues to be correct from year-to-year, so please log in and make sure to update any information that may have changed. Students who plan to participate in a sport, activity, or club will want to make sure to select these in FinalForms.
Clinic Information
K-12mmunization requirements: The Ohio Immunization Summary for School Attendance for the 2024-2025 school year is available on the Clinic page of the website or through the link on the Right! Please make sure the Clinic has a current immunization record that includes these vaccinations.
Immunization Exemptions: If your child is not up to date on their immunizations because of a medical, philosophical, or religious exemption, a new exemption form should be completed each school year and submitted to the clinic. The exemption form is available on the school website.
Vision/Hearing Exams: If your child has had a vision or hearing evaluation/exam within the last year please submit a copy to your building's clinic. If we have this on file, we will not need to screen your child's vision/hearing during the school year.
If a child will need to have medication administered to them during the school day, a medication authorization form must be completed by the physician and signed by the parent. The form for medications as well as care plans for Asthma, Seizures, Food Allergies, and Diabetics are on the website. A new medication authorization form must be submitted each school year.
Clinic Contact Information: Starting this year, the each buildings clinic will have a dedicated email families can use when wishing to contact the clinic. The email addresses are as follows:
Bethel Elementary School: bes-clinic@blsk12.org
Bethel Middle School: bms-clinic@blsk12.org
Bethel High School: bhs-clinic@blsk12.org
PLEASE UPDATE medications and medical history including allergies in Final Forms. We use this information to keep your child safe!
Transportation Information
It is our goal to release bus routes in a timely manner. As soon as all necessary details are complete, we will make an announcement via one call and on the district social media. You will be able to access the routes in the news and live feed sections of our district website, as well as on social media platforms.
*Bus routes are subject to change
Vans from Early Beginnings provide transportation from their facility to Bethel and from Bethel to their facility in the afternoon.
Transportation has a scheduled stop at Wee Care Child care. You can contact them at (937) 845 – 2241
We do offer transportation to private individual homes for childcare, if you are interested in having your child(ren) transported to a home other than your own, it is required that parents specify those details in the transportation section of Final Forms. We can then place the student on the correct bus. If there are any questions or changes, please contact me.
Bethel Local Schools DOES NOT have a latchkey or daycare program on our campus.
Elementary School Information
Elementary School Day: 8:45am-3:30pm
Important Dates
Aug. 14: 4pm-6pm - Open House (Grades K-2)
Aug. 14: 5pm-7pm - Open House (Grades 3-5)
Aug. 19 - First Day of School (Grades 2-5)
Aug. 21 - First Day of School (Grades K-1)
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Information
Drop-off and Pick-up will be in the front of the Elementary Building. The line will start as two lanes, and will merge into 1 lane prior to the Drop-Off/Pick-Up (DOPU) area. The lane closest to the sidewalk (right) will be used for DOPU, and the other lane will be for vehicles exiting after DOPU.
Student Drop-Off will begin at 8:30am, and the tardy bell rings at 8:45. Students may not be dropped off early, as there will not be supervision prior to 8:30am. Upon exiting their vehicle, K-2 students will enter the building through door A2 and 3-5 students will enter through door A4. Student Pick-Up will begin at 3:30.
Parents dropping off or picking up their child will need a Drop-Off/Pick-Up (DOPU) tag. To obtain a tag, please fill out the DOPU form in Finalforms, and then stop by the Elementary Office, either during Open House or before the start of school to receive your tag. If your child is a bus rider, but will periodically need to be picked up, you can fill out the following form and return it to the Elementary office starting August 5th: https://5il.co/22kaf
Additionally, parents may not park in the parking lot and walk your child over during arrival or dismissal times.
Please see the image below for a diagram of the DOPU traffic flow.

Middle School Information
Middle School Day: 7:30am-2:45pm
Important Dates
Aug. 13: 5:30pm-6:30pm - 6th Grade Orientation
Aug. 14: 4pm - 6pm - Open House
Aug. 19 - First Day of School (BMS)
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Information
The buses for Middle School and High School will load and unload in the front of the school while parents will drop off and pick up students in the back of the school building. During drop-off and pick-up times, cars must enter through the North drive, and exit via the South drive. When exiting through the South drive, cars will only be permitted to make right turns. Additionally, the driveway on the South side of the building will be closed while the buses are departing.
Parents dropping off or picking up their child will need a Drop-Off/Pick-Up (DOPU) tag. To obtain a tag, please fill out the DOPU form in Finalforms, and then stop by the Middle School Office, either during Open House or before the start of school to receive your tag. If your child is a bus rider, but will periodically need to be picked up, you can fill out the following form and return it to the Middle School office starting August 5th: https://5il.co/22kaf

High School Information
High School Day: 7:30am-2:45pm
Important Dates
Aug. 7th: 9am-2pm - Schedule Changes*
Aug. 8th: 9am-2pm - Schedule Changes*
Aug. 9th: 12pm-1pm - Freshman Orientation
Aug. 12th - MVCTC Juniors First Day
Aug. 13th - MVCTC Seniors First Day
Aug. 14th: 4pm-6pm - Open House**
Aug. 19th - First Day of School
*Appointment Only
**Physical copies of schedules can be picked up during Open House
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Information
The buses for Middle School and High School will load and unload in the front of the school while parents will drop off and pick up students in the back of the school building. During drop-off and pick-up times, cars must enter through the North drive, and exit via the South drive. When exiting through the South drive, cars will only be permitted to make right turns. Additionally, the driveway on the South side of the building will be closed while the buses are departing.
Parents dropping off or picking up their child will need a Drop-Off/Pick-Up (DOPU) tag. To obtain a tag, please fill out the following form and return it to the High School office starting August 5th: https://5il.co/22kaf