Yellow/Green BHS Principal's Weekly Update

Bethel High School

Principal’s Update 9-18-20

  • The district is using Progress Book instead of Schoology as our electronic gradebook. If you have questions please contact Bryan Perez at

  • The weekly Sunday evening One-Calls from the building principal will be coming to an end at the end of October.  One-Calls will be utilized for urgent messages (cancellations, delays, etc).  Information and announcements will be available through the district website, district app, and social media platforms.

  • To sign up for our newsletters as well as other important updates and reminders, simply go to your app store and search "Bethel Local Schools" and download the district app. Once downloaded, go to "Settings" and choose which building/district notifications you would like to receive.  All newsletters, and updates will be delivered directly to your phone.

  • From the school counselors - Seniors, now is the time to begin the college application process. See your counselor with any questions. College Credit Plus information for the 2021-2022 school year will be available starting October 1st. This will be posted in the "class of 20**" Google Classrooms and on our website. Appointments regarding this information can be made through Mrs. Montgomery in the high school office for October 8th during P/T Conferences.

  • Jostens, the company that we partner with for graduation caps & gowns and graduation announcements, as well as class rings, will be on campus September 22. A representative will meet with seniors and information about class rings will be given to Sophomores. Seniors at MVCTC can pick up info at the front office at CTC or from the Bethel office.

  • Our first evening of Parent/Teacher Conferences is coming up on Thursday, October 8 (3:30-7:00pm). Please contact your student’s teacher or the school office if you would like to schedule a time.

  • Spirit Week will be this week (Sept 21-25) Dress-up days are: 9/21: Beach Day, 9/22: Dress Like A Teacher / Teachers dress like students, 9/22: Tiger King Day, 9/24: Class Themes (Seniors- Senior Citizens, Juniors- College Students, Sophomores- Hippies, Freshman- Jocks), 9/25: Bethel Spirit

Upcoming dates:

Sept 21-25 - Spirit Week

Sept 23 - See You at the Pole

Sept 23 - Homecoming Court (6:00pm)

Sept 30 - Jostens orders collected

Oct 8 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

Oct 22 - End of 1st Quarter

Oct 23 - No school (Teacher In-service)