Our food service staff helped our students get in the holiday spirit with a special meal for lunch today! Our students were treated to a Chicken Pot Pie with mashed potatoes, carrots, sliced apples, and a sugar cookie. #BethelLegacy
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Holiday Meal
Miss Pohlmann's 4th grade class has been working on presentations about famous landmarks such as the Grand canyon, Chocolate hills, Mount Everest, and many more!
almost 2 years ago, Carrie Ann Jones
HOPE Squad helped lift everyone's spirits in the high school this week with a door decorating contest! The winning class, Mrs. Powell's homeroom, were treated to donuts, with everyone else receiving candy canes! #BethelLegacy
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
HOPE Squad Door Decorating
Congratulations to our B3 winners for this week. We appreciate them being responsible, respectful, and ready. #K5hive
almost 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
Please join us for the Elementary and Middle School Holiday Concert tomorrow, December 14th at 6pm in Bethel Hall! If you are unable to join us in person, the concert will be streamed to our YouTube Channel, available through this link: https://youtu.be/S4v194CJJIA #BethelLegacy
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Holiday Concert
Reminder! All Students will have a 1 hour early release starting tomorrow, December 14th, through the end of the week, December 16th. #BethelLegacy
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
1 Hour Early Release, December 14th - 16th
Mrs. Pfeiffer’s kindergartners have learned all the letters in the alphabet and celebrated with an alphabet party. What fun 🎉 #K5hive #OneBethel
almost 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
MVCTC Parents: Due to the district running on a one hour early release schedule, students will need to supply their own transportation home from Bethel on Wednesday (12/14) and Thursday (12/15).
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Transportation Update
Mrs. Berning’s kindergartners had an alphabet party on Friday. Each student was given a letter and they dressed up as something that started with that letter. They also made alphabet animal puppets :) #K5hive #OneBethel
almost 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
1st graders are really enjoying math club. #K5hive #OneBethel
almost 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
Don’t forget elementary spirit week starts Monday, December 12th. #K5hive
almost 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
1st grade had a great Grinch Day with lots of literacy and math skills practice, plus some extra Grinchy fun! #K5hive
almost 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
Mrs. Berning’s kindergartners enjoyed a shape walk during math class. They found various shapes in the classroom and categorized them as triangles, rectangles, and circles. #K5hive #OneBethel
almost 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
Mrs. Pikas’ flexible group worked on their fine motor skills of cutting and painting. #K5hive #OneBethel
almost 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
Please join us for the BHS Band and Choir's Winter Concert this Sunday, December 11th at 3pm in Bethel Hall! If you are unable to join us in person, the concert will be streamed to our YouTube Channel, available through this link: https://youtu.be/eg1xwrLevDU #BethelLegacy
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Band & Choir Winter Concert
Reminder! All Students will have a 1 hour early release Wednesday, December 14th, through Friday, December 16th. #BethelLegacy
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
1 Hour Early Release, December 14th - 16th
Here are the weekly updates from your building principals. Have a great weekend! #BethelLegacy #OneBethel ELEM: https://5il.co/1ls6x MS: https://5il.co/1ls6y HS: https://5il.co/1ls71
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Principal Weekly Update (12/9)
Congratulations to our Lunch with Liz winners for the week. #K5hive
almost 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
Attention Parents! Moving forward, The Bethel Local School District will use Thrillshare Alerts to notify parents and guardians in the event of any closings, delays, or emergencies. This system will pull contact information from your FinalForms, so please make sure that your information is correct. The Parent login can be found on our website, located through this link: https://www.bethelk12.org/page/final-forms #BethelLegacy
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Thrillshare Alerts
BHS Academic Team continued their winning streak last night with victories over Ansonia (74-67), Franklin Monroe (56-46), and Twin Valley South (63-43). The Bees are currently 9-0, and will face Tri-County North in their final match of the fall season on Thursday! #BethelLegacy
almost 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Academic Team
Academic Team
Academic Team
Academic Team