The Middle School Choir had a great performance today at Kings Island! #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
MS Choir at Kings Island
MS Choir at Kings Island
MS Choir at Kings Island
Congratulations to the Bethel High School Class of 2022! Enjoy the next chapter of your life, and continue to help build the #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Bethel Graduation
Bethel Graduation
Bethel Graduation
Bethel Graduation
Congratulations to the teachers and staff that have reached milestones within their time here with Bethel Local Schools! The following teachers have been with the district for a number of years, and were recognized during today's employee banquet: 5 Years - Stormy Milewski, Shannon Montgomery, Jaclyn Nicodemus, Anna Sampson, Beth Shoup, and Leah Wharton 10 Years - Alisha Gross and Lara Wolford 15 Years - Julie Hunter 20 Years - Julie Lawson and Krissy Walsh 25 Years - Phyllis Wholihan 35 Years - Gayle Rhoades Thank you to these members of our staff for there years of dedication to helping make our district great! #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
5 Year Staff
10 Year Staff
15 Year Staff
20 Year Staff
A big thank you to Bob Shadowens for the many years of service to Bethel Local Schools! Bob is retiring after 15 years with our district. We are very grateful for all of the work you have done to help our students, families, and community as a member of our transportation team. Enjoy your next chapter, and remember you'll always have a home at the hive! #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Bob Shadowens Retirement
A big thank you to Gayle Rhoades for all she has done for Bethel Local Schools over her 35 years with us! We are grateful for all you've done to help our students, families, and staff over the years! Enjoy retirement, and remember you always have a home at the hive! #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Gayle Rhoades Retirement
Here are the weekly updates from your building principals. Have a great summer break! #BethelLegacy #OneBethel ELEM: MS: HS:
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Principal Weekly Update (5/27)
Tomorrows the big day! Graduation this year is being held at Hobart Arena tomorrow, May 28th, at 7pm. Hobart Arena is located at 255 Adams Street, Troy, OH 45373. Doors open at 6pm, and Seniors will need to be there at that time. There are no seating restrictions this year, no tickets are required for entrance, and seating will be first come, first served. If you are unable to attend in-person, the ceremony will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel, The Bethel Bees, which can be found through this link: #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Graduation Ceremony Info
Bethel Middle School had a Clap Out today for the 8th Grade! The students in the 6th and 7th grade lined the halls to cheer on the eighth graders as they walked through the halls for a final time this school year! #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
8th Grade Clap Out
8th Grade Clap Out
8th Grade Clap Out
8th Grade Clap Out
I want to Thank Everyone who helped to make Field Day 2022 a Great Success. Thanks for the help planning and sign up site, to Mrs. Schoch and Mrs. Jones and Jacob Watson. Thanks to Phyllis Wholihan for sack lunches and Amanda Stegner for helping parents. Thanks to the students and teachers for their enthusiasm. Most of all thank you to The Parent Volunteers. You made these days so special and fun for all of the students. We couldn't have done it without you. Your time and effort was greatly appreciated. -Mrs. Vocke
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Field Day Parachute
Field Day 100m Dash
Field Day Fun
Field Day Hula Hoops
First grade “ice cream in a bag” today was so much fun! We appreciate all the parent support for this end of the year activity! #K5hive #OneBethel
over 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
The Middle School students in Information Literacy learned about the Bethel community and history, and used this information to design and sew quilt squares! Today, they presented the finished quilt to Principal Triplett, who will hang the quilt in the Middle School office for the next school year. #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
MS Information Literacy Quilt
MS Information Literacy Quilt
Mrs. Novellino’s class worked together in groups to solve ‘The Case of the Missing Popsicles’. As reading and math tasks were completed, clues led to the suspect. They enjoyed popsicles as a treat after their hard work! #K5hive #OneBethel
over 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
Elementary field day for 2nd & 3rd graders is still on for this morning! Please remember to send a sack lunch and water bottle with your child. Parent volunteers that have already signed up should report to the elementary office at 8:00 to help set up. Thank you!!
over 2 years ago, Carrie Ann Jones
field day
Attention Sophomores and Parents/Guardians of Sophomores! If you/your student plans to attend CTC next school year, please have them turn in their Chromebook before they leave for the year. The students need to return their Chromebook, charger, and case. The Technology Office will be available for students to turn in their Chromebooks all day Wednesday, May 25 and Thursday, May 26. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter!
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Chromebook Turn In - MVCTC
Attention Seniors and Parents/Guardians of Seniors! We only have about 15 seniors who have not turned in their Chromebook. These seniors have been contacted individually via their Bethel email. Seniors who have not turned their Chromebook in will have their diploma withheld! Please be sure students turn in their Chromebook, charger, and case as soon as possible! Thank you for your attention to this matter!
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Chromebook Turn In - Seniors
It was a gorgeous day for Field Day at the elementary today. K, 1st, 4th, and 5th graders had a great day. Huge thank you to Mrs. Vocke and all the parent volunteers. #K5hive #OneBethel
over 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
A big thanks to the Bethel High School Green Team for helping pull weeds around the school grounds to help everything look beautiful for Summer! #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Bethel Green Team
Bethel Green Team
Beach day for 2nd grade and they met with kindergarten to share their towels and stories. #K5hive #OneBethel
over 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
1st Grade did a wonderful job with their play, Down on the Farm! We can’t wait to see many of these young students on the Bethel stage in years to come! #K5hive #OneBethel
over 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
STEM activities in Mrs. Parrish’s 1st grade classroom. #K5hive #OneBethel
over 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch