Here are the weekly updates from your building principals. Have a great long weekend! #BethelLegacy #OneBethel ELEM: MS: HS:
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Principal Weekly Update (4/14)
Don't forget Kindergarten screenings are this upcoming Monday, April 18th! If you haven't signed up for a screening time yet, please call Mrs. Stegner in the Elementary Office at (937) 845-9439 by 4pm today, April 14th. We will also be taking signing pictures of each of our incoming Kindergarteners in front of our legacy wall seen above. We can't wait to meet all of our new Bethel Bees! #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Kindergarten Screening
Kindergarten Screening
All of our 2nd graders are bringing home another new book thanks to the 2nd and 7 foundation. Students have really enjoyed reading and talking with the high school athletes who have volunteered their time. #K5hive #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
Hey Parents, We are so excited to continue partnership with 1st Day School Supplies! This year, 1st Day School Supplies is going to help parents and teachers get the exact supplies needed for next school year without the headache of shopping at Walmart, Target or Staples. Plus, they have guaranteed competitive prices on the highest quality brands, including the germ fighting brands like Purell and Lysol. Why not check school supply shopping off your list now! You can make your purchase right now, and the supply box will be delivered to your home! To get started by clicking the link :
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
1st Day School Supplies
Self regulation is an important skill for kids to learn and practice when they are young. Deep breathing calms the body and can be used anywhere! 1st graders practiced deep breathing with stuffed animals this week after reading the book Ravi’s Roar in the library. #K5hive
over 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
Attention Parents: Elementary bus route #8 will be running about 15 minutes late this morning to pick up students. Thank you for your patience.
over 2 years ago, Carrie Ann Jones
The Bethel Elementary PTO is having an important meeting tonight, April 12th, at 7pm. They will be discussing the changing of PTO board members at the end of this year, fundraiser results, and additional activities looking towards the end of the school year. #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
PTO Meeting
Reminder! The second payment of $250 for the 8th Grade Colonial Williamsburg Trip is due by May 10th. The payment can be made through the Classic student tours website, or over the phone. For more information on the trip and pricing, visit this link: #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Colonial Williamsburg 2nd Payment Due May 10th
Congratulations to our K-2 students of the month for March. These students exemplified the character trait of responsibility here at school. 🎉🎉 #K5hive #OneBethel
over 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
Band and Choir Students! There will be a parent meeting for the 2023 Spring Break trip to Disney World on Wednesday, April 13th at 7pm in Bethel Hall. The High School Band and Choir will be performing at Disney next year, as well as enjoying 4 days in the parks. If you can't attend, please contact Ms. Wolford for information at
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Disney Meeting
Sixth grade ELA students wrapped up Wit & Wisdom's A Hero's Journey module by creating their own monomyth to demonstrate their understanding of what it takes to be a hero. The sixth grade stories reflect an understanding that the monomyth is less about the adventures the hero undertakes and more about the vital, personal growth the hero experiences that collectively benefits all people. #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Sixth Grade ELA Wit and Wisdom
Sixth Grade ELA Wit and Wisdom
Sixth Grade ELA Wit and Wisdom
Sixth Grade ELA Wit and Wisdom
Attention Parents: Elementary bus route # 7 will be about 15 to 20 minutes late arriving home today. Thank you for understanding.
over 2 years ago, Carrie Ann Jones
Congratulations to the Elementary High Five winners for this week. #K5hive #OneBethel
over 2 years ago, Cassie Schoch
high five
high five
The Ohio Department of Education has recently selected Bethel High School for the prestigious Purple Star School award! This award signifies the district’s commitment to serving Ohio’s military families to ensure their social, emotional and academic needs are met as they transition to school. ‘Bethel Local Schools recognizes that military families face unique challenges, and our district strives to do all that is possible to help our students and their families throughout the school year’ said Superintendent of Bethel Local Schools Justin Firks. Congratulations to Barrett Swope (High School Principal), Molly Weideman and Katherine Bourelle (Counselors) for their outstanding work to earn this award!
over 2 years ago, Justin Firks
An amazing morning for the students of Bethel Local Schools, as they participated in the 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Thanks to the Bethel Athletic Boosters & Athletic Administrative Assistant, Julie Gravitt, for organizing this opportunity for them! Thanks for making a difference
over 2 years ago, Justin Firks
Don't forget to see Bethel High School's production of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella this weekend! The performances are at the following times: Friday, April 8th at 7pm Saturday, April 9th at 7pm Sunday, April 10th at 3pm Tickets are $10 for students and $12 for adults, and can be purchased through this link: If there are any questions, please email
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Cinderella and Prince Charming
Cinderella Godmother
Cinderella Townspeople
Cinderella Step Sister
Mrs. Gatrell's Human Anatomy and AP Biology classes had the incredible experience of attending the Human Anatomy and Physiology Interactive (HAPI) Lab today at the Wright State Boonshoft School of Medicine #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
Students at the HAPI Lab
An exciting week at the K-5 Building and Athletic Stadium worksites as masonry work continues, scaffolding is going up and infrastructure continues to go in! Both projects will be completed for the start of the 2023-2024 school year at NO additional cost to taxpayers!
over 2 years ago, Justin Firks
Tickets are now available for this year's prom, A Golden Night. Prom will be held at the Grande Hall at Liberty Tower on April 30th from 7-11pm, and the cost is $35 per person including dinner. Tickets are available on the SA Tickets page of our website, or through this link: After purchasing tickets, students will need to fill out the google form in their confirmation email for any dietary restrictions and seating arrangements. Ramadan will also be observed, and those in observance will be served dinner at the appropriate time. If a student is bringing a guest that is not a student at Bethel Local Schools, they will need to submit a waiver available in the High School Office by April 27th, and meet all of the requirements. The full list of requirements is available through the ticket link. #BethelLegacy
over 2 years ago, Jacob Watson
A Golden Night Junior/Senior Prom
Attention Parents: Elementary bus route nine will be about 15 to 20 minutes late arriving home today. Thank you for understanding.
over 2 years ago, Carrie Ann Jones